Mar 5, 2015

Product Testing with BzzAgent

Charmin Basic 

 As a member of BzzAgent I get to test products for free. I was recently given the opportunity to test Charmin Basic.

Now my husband has always been a fan of a different brand and questioned why I had not purchased our normal rolls. I told him give it a try and we'll go from there. A put a roll in my children's bathroom and mind you they go through a roll fast!

After the first week I noticed both bathrooms were still good on supply and I also realized we were getting just as clean with less usuage. 

My mother in law was so impressed she asked if I had an extra roll.

When it was time to buy more I purchased our normal roll. Which now seems like a waste to purchase given its thin 2 ply rolls. My husband wanted to know where the other stuff was because he liked it better.

Needless to say, given quality, performance and the ability to last longer our family is switching brands!

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